Databases > Post offices > Postal office 299903

Russian Post office 299903 "Севастополь ЦОПП уч. страховой"

Телефон: +7 800-1-000-000
Region code regid 92
Key citykey Севастополь
Unique key citykey_u Севастополь
Full key citykey_f Севастополь, 92
Key citykey (eng.) Sevastopol
Unique key citykey_u_en (eng.) Sevastopol
Full key citykey_f_en (eng.) Sevastopol, 92
Latitude 44.616604
Longitude 33.525369
Region Севастополь
Address г Севастополь
P.O.Type Участок
Opening hours

Parсels drop-off/pick-up

Attention! This post office is not present in the current version of the Postal objects Passport. It is not possible to create shipment in the personal account of corporative clients. Probable reasons are: post office is closed (temporarily or permanently), this post office is of the service type (sorting area etc).